The overall goal of GECKO is to support authorities in developing the most appropriate regulatory framework and governance model, through guidance, recommendations and case studies, for the transition to a new mobility era of cooperative, inclusive, competitive, sustainable and interconnected mobility across all modes, through evidence-based research.

MOVE 21 aims at transforming European cities and their surroundings into smart zero emissions nodes for mobility and logistics
The project will help participating cities achieve a 30% reduction of transport-related emissions by 2030 via the implementation of 15 transport-related…

GECKO continued its series of podcasts with the release of podcast # 3 "what's the big deal about mobility data? And # 4 "the new mobility culture clash"
Listen to what GECKO's latest podcasts have to say about the future of urban mobility and much more!

GECKO Guidelines; a guide for policy makers shaping the future of urban mobility.
GECKO project has developed a set of guidelines to support policy makers. These guidelines seek to establish some basic concepts and foster a strategic…

How can we drive EU mobility to 2040: Policy recommendations from the GECKO project
GECKO policy recommendations summarizes lessons learned on how to enable adaptive and anticipatory regulatory schemes and governance with novel policies. The…

GECKO project supporting new mobility regulation shares final results and lessons learnt
After 33 months of hard work, the GECKO project has come to an end with a final online conference held 25-26 August.

Transition to a new mobility era: Join us for the GECKO final conference!
The final event for the GECKO research project will be presenting lessons learnt and key recommendations for the mobility sector on emerging disruptive…

GECKO webinar on Managing New Mobility, How to Regulate Drones for Last-Mile Deliveries now online!
The third and final GECKO webinar featured perspectives from a city and an industry expert on the regulation of drones for last-mile deliveries. If you missed…

SURF (Sustainable URban Freight) project kicks off!
POLIS’ new project, SURF (Sustainable URban Freight), launched on 15 April 2021, aims to support the development of Zero-Emission Zones for freight (ZEZ-Fs).

GECKO podcast #2 is live!
Listen to our podcasts looking at the challenges of regulating new mobility. For our second episode, we’re asking “How much do we really need to regulate new…

GECKO Compliance map now published!
A tool for policy makers to keep up with new mobility innovations.

GECKO publishes its final update on the new mobility services and business models report
GECKO'S project partner University College London (UCL) released the final update on the new mobility services and business models report.

GECKO workshop looks at conflicting interests
Read more about GECKO'S 3rd stakeholder workshop!

First GECKO Podcast: Why is it so hard to regulate new mobility?
GECKO'S project partner Rupprecht Consult releases its first podcast episode out of four, which is looking at what it takes to effectively regulate new mobility…

GECKO webinar: Managing New Mobility, How to Regulate Automated Vehicles
The second GECKO webinar featured perspectives from a city and private sector experts on automated vehicle regulations. If you missed it, you can watch it…

The sixth GECKO newsletter has been released!
Read all about the current activities in GECKO.

GECKO’s Regulatory Frameworks Dashboard includes more than 200 regulations.
More than 200 regulations addressing disruptive mobility innovation have been collected by GECKO partners and showcased on the Dashboard.

The MOBI-MIX Project: State-of-the-art public-private collaboration models for shared mobility and MaaS solutions
Every three months, GECKO showcases one if its related projects: Get to know more about MOBI-MIX.

Shift2Maas Project launches pilot testing technology aiming to advance MaaS
The Shift2MaaS project aims to test the technologies aiming to advance MaaS in Europe

New Topic Guide on planning for more resilient and robust urban mobility
As cities and regions respond to the COVID-19 pandemic with new and innovative transport solutions, what are the lessons for long-term sustainable mobility…

GECKO published a report on regulatory responses and governance models for disruptive mobility innovations
The project’s report about regulatory responses to new mobility solutions is released.

GECKO analyses business models and technologies for transport innovation
A final report on new mobility services and their business models will be out soon.

GECKO is finalising its Compliance Map
Read about the newly developed GECKO Regulatory Supportive Tool.

The fifth GECKO newsletter has been released!
Check out the latest activities of the GECKO project.

The LEAD project: Digital Twins for low emission last mile logistics
Every three months, GECKO presents one of its related projects. This time is the turn of LEAD!

GECKO was featured at the Urban Mobility Days 2020
GECKO provided insights on how to integrate shared mobility services in urban ecosystems.

Turning EU research into local action: GECKO at POLIS Mobilising Mobility Webinars
Lessons learnt by GECKO were shared during two POLIS webinars targeted at public authorities and mobility practitioners.

The GECKO Regulatory Supportive Tools are in the making!
The project is developing a Regulatory Framework Dashboard and a Compliance Map to assist policymakers with a catalogue of regulations addressing mobility…

Podcasting GECKO
A series of discussions with stakeholders on some of the non-technical issues surrounding new mobility.

GECKO published its fourth project newsletter!
In times of pandemic, the activities of GECKO do not stop and experiment alternative formats.

Shared mobility in the aftermath of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a strong impact on how we move around in our cities. How has it affected shared mobility and new mobility services operators?

The LeMO Project: Leveraging Big Data to Manage Transport Operations
Every three months, GECKO showcases one if its related projects: Get to know more about LeMO!

GECKO published an analysis of cooperation models among public and private parties for new mobility solutions
The GECKO project has identified case studies around the world in order to produce an analysis of the cooperation models among public and private parties for…

Managing changes that come with diversifying urban transport systems
GECKO project coordinator UITP issued two Policy Briefs to support cities and public transport authorities on the management of new mobility services and urban…

GECKO launches the first Knowledge Bank of new mobility services and technologies
The second GECKO Regulatory Supportive Tool is now released!

The GECKO stakeholders meet for the second time (online)!
The second GECKO Stakeholder Workshop took place as a series of thematic online sessions between the 19th and the 25th May

GECKO analyses regulatory and governance models for disruptive innovation in mobility
The project's report about new regulatory schemes for mobility innovation is released.

The third issue of the GECKO newsletter is out!
Take a look at GECKO most recent project results and public events.

GECKO webinar: Managing New Mobility, How to Regulate E-Scooters
The first GECKO webinar featured city and operator perspectives on e-scooter regulations.
If you missed it, you can watch it here!

Visit the GECKO project at ITF in Leipzig
GECKO will be at the International Transport Forum in Leipzig on 27-29 May

Check out the first layout of the GECKO Regulatory Frameworks Dashboard!
The GECKO project has collected so far more than 135 regulations for disruptive mobility innovations. The Regulatory Frameworks Dashboard aims to support users…

The SPROUT Project: Cities leading the urban mobility transition through the development of innovative policy responses
Every three months, GECKO presents one of its related projects. Take a look at SPROUT!

GECKO published a report on the main economic, political and social factors influencing regulation of mobility innovations
An overview of the different elements having an impact on mobility policy

GECKO project partner Polis publishes discussion paper on shared micromobility
Taking the long view on short trips

Welcome to the first issue of the GECKO newsletter!
Learn about the GECKO project, its objectives, and the work done so far by the consortium.

NOESIS: Generating value through Big Data in Transport
The NOESIS project aims to provide a robust methodological framework (Decision Support Tool) and data-driven evidence to enable the deployment of a Big Data in…

GECKO market analysis on new mobility services and technologies
With a screening of new mobility services and technologies, the GECKO project has assessed the current status of the marketplace for a series of specific case…

First face-to-face meeting of GECKO stakeholders in London
The first GECKO Stakeholder Workshop took place in London on 24 and 25 October.

GECKO at 2019 CIVITAS Forum and Shared Mobility Rocks
Some takeaways from two sessions at the CIVITAS Forum and at Shared Mobility Rocks on New Mobility Services and MaaS

MOMENTUM: a project on "Modelling Emerging Transport Solutions for Urban Mobility"
Disruptive technologies and emerging mobility solutions are bringing radical changes to urban mobility. Cities need new tools and methods to capture the impact…

GECKO reviews new mobility services & technologies
GECKO has grouped new mobility services and technologies into four categories:connected, cooperative and automated mobility; infrastructure, network and traffic…

How do authorities in Europe face disruptive technologies?
Users travel with one payment via a simple app through half of Europe, while others are being driven by their autonomous car or shot with 1000km/h through a…

Stakeholders are key to the GECKO Project
A diversified range of stakeholders from the public and private sector have expressed interest in participating to the GECKO Stakeholder Group. Over the next…

The European Commission launched the Connected Cooperative and Automated Mobility Platform
The inaugural meeting of the European Commission’s Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) platform was held on 25 and 26 June 2019 in Brussels.

The role of the public sector in governing MaaS
The metropolitan transport authority association EMTA has published a paper on the governance of MaaS "A perspective on MaaS from Europe‘s Transport…

Ghent launches the Replicator City Programme for TMaaS
Cities without an established traffic control/mobility management centre may be interested in TMaaS, developed by the Belgian city of Ghent. The essence of…

GECKO Project is Looking for New Mobility Stakeholders
Will Mobility as a Service (MaaS) replace public transport? If not, what will the relationship be between them? What role should autonomous vehicles play in our…

GECKO project: turning mobility disruptions into opportunities
The new EU-funded project called GECKO kicked off on 10 December in Brussels. The project investigates the regulatory and governance aspects of new disruptive…