GECKO at 2019 CIVITAS Forum and Shared Mobility Rocks

Some takeaways from two sessions at the CIVITAS Forum and at Shared Mobility Rocks on New Mobility Services and MaaS

If you travelled to the CIVITAS Forum or Shared Mobility Rocks recently, chances are you have run into GECKO.

On 3 October GECKO took the stage at the CIVITAS Forum in Graz during a session on new mobility services and experiences in achieving MaaS. Project coordinator, UITP, presented findings related to the business model and regulatory responses of MaaS. The most important lessons learnt from the session? Public transport, walking and cycling should be the backbone of MaaS and we need better regulation to further develop Mobility as a Service schemes.

A week later, on 8 October, GECKO was at Shared Mobility Rocks in Brussels with a panel discussion and interaction among session participants. It’s crucial to the GECKO project to bring in various perspectives on the issues surrounding new mobility. On the panel in Brussels were a city representative, passenger representation, UITP and an entrepreneur in new mobility services. Discussion brought out the concern that not all new mobility solutions help to meet cities’ goals of improving citizens’ mobility. The challenges surrounding the differences in regulatory systems also became apparent. In the concrete example of e-scooters, we see that they are not allowed at all in the UK, have great freedom in France and are allowed – with restrictions – in Germany. Which of these solutions is the “best”? It depends who you ask!

If you missed GECKO at these events, join us at the Polis Conference in Brussels on Thursday, 28 November, during the session “New Mobility Services: Regulation & Cooperation”.

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