Stakeholder engagement

In order to make appropriate and informed policy and regulation recommendations, it’s crucial to understand the issues and perspectives involved. The GECKO project will do this through various forms of stakeholder involvement. By bringing together experts that are facing (or having faced) the challenges of introducing or regulating innovative mobility solutions, there will be a better understanding of the needs of the involved stakeholders and how to tailor outputs to various users and contexts. This will enhance the exploitability and credibility of the project results.

The GECKO Stakeholders Group brings together actors from different backgrounds, with different interests, who are involved throughout the duration of the project and provide insights for the work conducted in other areas of the project. In addition to the Stakeholders Group, a panel of experts, the so-called Innovation Trend Radar, has been established. This consists of experts in GECKO’s thematic areas. Their objective is to bring in topics and challenges for discussion, while also review and validate the GECKO solutions and outcomes of all the four building blocks.

Members of the GECKO Stakeholder Groups are engaged, among others, through face-to-face meetings such as workshops and personal interviews, as well as through online stakeholder engagements (e.g. online surveys and focus groups).