Compliance Map

The Compliance Map is a regulatory supportive tool aimed at showing practical synthesis of the similarities and differences, across different regulatory schemes that share the common focus goal of enabling newly emerging disruptive innovations. The Compliance Map shows:

*         The Regulation Compliance (RC) meaningful to represent how effectively each country or city regulate the different aspects necessary for the sustainable adoption of the new mobility solutions (namely Infrastructural, Political, Data, User/consumer awareness and acceptance, Safety, Completeness of pilots and contracts requirements, Environmental, Social, Cooperation, Others).

*        The Regulation Readiness (RR) meaningful to represent a holistic assessment of the level of readiness of each country's regulatory framework to accommodate the introduction or diffusion of different mobility solutions according to their penetration levels.

Furthermore, here you can find the entrance Barriers that may occur in mobility services uptake, representing all aspects influencing the adoption/deployment of the mobility solutions studied in GECKO from diverse, mutually interdependent, viewpoints: Political, Economic, Societal, Technological, Legal and Environmental