GECKO Compliance map now published!

In the framework of the European project GECKO – “Governance principles and mEthods enabling deCision maKers to manage and regulate the changing mObility systems” –, FIT Consulting has developed a methodology, based on the Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA), aimed at assessing both the effectiveness of each regulatory framework in adopting new mobility innovations and the readiness in accommodating future levels of market penetration.
The results of this assessment are represented through the Compliance Map, a regulatory supportive tool now available on the official GECKO website, aimed at showing practical synthesis of similarities and differences across different regulatory schemes that share the common goal of enabling the societal, environmental and economic impact conceivable with the implementation of newly emerging disruptive innovations, while at the same time safeguarding an adequate level of security, safety, data privacy, and social protection.
The Compliance Map was presented to GECKO stakeholders for the first time during the third project workshop held on April 2021 and attended by policy makers, transport operators, academic and research representatives.
Thanks to a dynamic visualization and an interactive panel, the Compliance Map allows guided searches using specific filtering criteria (by country or city, by mobility solution, by category, etc.). For its development, GECKO made use of a visual analytics platform able to offer data in an accessible and understandable way.
Measuring the effectiveness and readiness levels of legislative frameworks worldwide, which share the same goal of enabling new mobility solutions, helps policy makers identify/anticipate factors that may potentially hinder the deployment of new mobility innovations and define an effective governance model. This will be pursued by also making reference to best practices of effective regulatory frameworks adopted somewhere else. Indeed, the Compliance Map provides quick and easy access to similar regulations adopted in different countries and cities around the world.
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