GECKO market analysis on new mobility services and technologies
GECKO has delivered a market analysis on new mobility services and technologies, by evaluating the latter in three different stages: market readiness, market positioning and market maturity.
With a sight on the existence of barriers or enablers, it is assessed for each new service and technologies whether a marketplace already exists or it is about to be established (MRLs, market readiness level). In this vein, a particular endeavour has been profuse in the socio-behavioural analysis of marketplace, so to understand whether the innovation will lead or not to a sustainable behavioural change. As a way of example, for MaaS (Mobility as a Service), GECKO reviews the potential utility of this service for the cities, how it could potentially change transport operator’ behavior, and the transport preferences of new generations, which could boost MaaS.
Where a market exists, the market position has been identified for each innovative solution in which it has managed to operate. More specifically, it is assessed whether the market is already existing or new, or whether the operators have managed a re-segmentation of the existing market, by adopting a cost strategy (acting as low-cost players) or a quality strategy (acting as niche players).
The research also assumes a broader view, by analysing the maturity of each innovation marketplace. The market can be at an introductory or already mature level.
Specific case studies cover the following subjects: connected and automated vehicles, passenger urban air mobility, drone last mile delivery, big data for fleet management and logistics, traffic management 2.0, hyperloop, MaaS, car-pooling, bike-sharing, ride-hailing, on demand ride-sharing, crowd shipping.
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