GECKO’s Regulatory Frameworks Dashboard includes more than 200 regulations.

More than 200 regulations addressing disruptive mobility innovation have been collected by GECKO partners and showcased on the Dashboard.

In March 2020, GECKO announced the collection of 135 regulations in a regulatory database that is the cornerstone of the Regulatory Frameworks Dashboard, one of the Regulatory Supportive Tools developed by the project. The Dashboard aims at showing new regulatory approaches for disruptive mobility innovation.

Since then, efforts have been made to ensure that this database includes, for each case study regarding mobility innovation, several governance models and a wider geographical coverage so that it is representative of the current situation. We are pleased to announce that one year after, the GECKO Regulatory Frameworks Dashboard catalogues more than 200 regulations (219 regulations to be precise!), whose geographic distribution covers countries all over the world.

These regulations were analysed to assess their impacts. These results will be presented in the GECKO Compliance Map, an interactive user-friendly tool that displays the contents of the Regulatory Frameworks Dashboard.

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