
The role of the public sector in governing MaaS
The metropolitan transport authority association EMTA has published a paper on the governance of MaaS "A perspective on MaaS from Europe‘s Transport Authorities"
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The European Commission launched the Connected Cooperative and Automated Mobility Platform
The inaugural meeting of the European Commission’s Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) platform was held on 25 and 26 June 2019 in Brussels.
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GECKO Project is Looking for New Mobility Stakeholders
Will Mobility as a Service (MaaS) replace public transport? If not, what will the relationship be between them? What role should autonomous vehicles play in our cities? What effect will they have on pedestrians? How can we picture the use of drones in logistics? How should their use be regulated? How can passenger service be assured if we all use flexible mobility chains? What impact will this technical fragmentation have on passenger rights? These are some of the questions being addressed in the EU GECKO project.
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GECKO project: turning mobility disruptions into opportunities
The new EU-funded project called GECKO kicked off on 10 December in Brussels. The project investigates the regulatory and governance aspects of new disruptive mobility services.
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